[ Browse by Service Category : Leisure Activities/Recreation : Sub-Topics of Recreational/Leisure/Arts Instruction (43) ]
Acting Instruction
Programs that provide classes or individual lessons for people who want to learn or perfect their ability to portray a variety of characters on stage or in film or television productions or commercials.
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Programs that provide classes, individual lessons or other opportunities for people who want to learn or perfect their skills and techniques in any of a variety of visual art forms or crafts.
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Programs that provide instruction for individuals of all ages who want to learn about or perfect their skills in using computers, computer-related hardware and specific home and business applications including word processing, spreadsheet development, presentation development, database management, electronic publishing and image processing. Included are both introductory classes for people unfamiliar with computers and the Internet and more advanced courses, as well as programs that provide instruction in the use of related technology such as smartphones and social media. Instruction may focus on publishing tools such as blogs, video logs (vlogs), photo sharing, podcasting or wikis.
Cooking Classes
Programs that provide instruction, demonstrations and special programs in the culinary arts for individuals of all ages who want to become proficient in the selection and preparation of any of a number dishes that are representative of different cuisines. Included are programs aimed at teaching low income people how to cook nutritious meals from fresh ingredients at a cost much cheaper than pre-packaged meals.
Dance Instruction
Programs that provide classes or individual lessons for people who want to learn or perfect their skills, grace, rhythm, coordination and individual expression when executing or participating in any of a number of different dance forms.
Language Instruction
Programs that provide classes or individual instruction for people who want to learn or perfect their skills in another language. Included are programs that offer instruction in languages other than English or French (often referred to as foreign languages), indigenous languages (languages of the peoples native to North America), heritage languages (languages to which an individual has a cultural connection) which may also be indigenous or foreign languages depending on the community context, and languages that are at risk for extinction and need to be preserved to pass them along to future generations.
Music Instruction
Programs that provide classes, individual lessons or other opportunities for people who want to learn or perfect their skills in music composition and/or performance.
Outdoor Environmental Education
Programs that offer open-air learning experiences, particularly for schoolchildren, that promote appreciation for and understanding of local ecosystems and our fundamental connections to the world around us. Activities may include identification of plants, insects and animals and exploration of their habitats, learning about weather and its relationship to environmental processes, geological history and demonstrations of the importance of biodiversity and sustainability. Students may investigate the life cycles of animals in a pond; observe the growth and reproduction of common plant species; examine the form and function of leaves, stems, roots and flowers and how these features help to classify plants; consider the interrelationship between predator and prey; learn how different animals grow and change with the seasons; learn and practice compass navigation and other outdoor skills; and/or make other discoveries which foster engaged and responsible environmental citizenship. Outdoor education programs may be provided through schools, conservation authorities or other organizations and depending on the program and the materials they incorporate, parents and/or caregivers may have a role to play in the process.
Parent/Child Instruction
Programs that provide structured opportunities for parents to engage in a particular recreational activity or sport in cooperation with their infants or young children, or to participate in teaching their youngsters a particular leisure-time skill.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.